Corelab Seminar

Aristotelis Tsirigos
Biomedical Research and Data Science: an ideal opportunity for synergy

During the past century, biomedical research has revolutionized medicine and contributed significantly to extended life expectancy, primarily in what we usually refer to as “developed” countries. The beginning of the 21st century coincided with the completion of the landmark Human Genome Project, which allowed humans to fully map their own genetic material (DNA). Following this unprecedented success, rapid development of new technologies has streamlined the production of biomedical data of different types (genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, imaging, clinical) at tremendous pace and dramatically decreasing cost. This influx of data, combined with advances in computer hardware and application of sophisticated computational techniques, is expected to help us better understand and treat human disease. In this context, we will present examples of the research conducted in our laboratory at the NYU School of Medicine and discuss opportunities for scientific collaborations.
